Thursday 19 September 2013

Choosing A Level Literature

Choosing A Level English Literature

The reason I chose to do English Literature as an A level was purely because of the amount of detail we are able to find from the authors work.
Through my years in High school we studied "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck and of "The Woman in Black" by Susan Hills. These two novels opened up another meaning to the story that you would not realise if just reading in general. English Literature explores a greater depth on any aspect from setting to characters and made me instantly want to continue taking the subject on at a higher level. From reading a gothic horror to a historical fiction, I was able to see that there is always something to be told to the reader, in what ever genre provided to them.
For me, English Literature allows my mind to be more creative with more than what the author is telling me, but also with how I display this knowledge within creative work.

Before, I enjoyed reading regularly and was always eager to try any type of book there was out there, from being Gothic Horror to a Humorous Romance. With GCSE English I was able to enjoy it further with seeing the book within the authors eyes and knowing through the secret hints within the language they use. From learning this within GCSE, I hope to learn a far bigger aspect within books and continue to learn from them for my own enjoyment of writing.

In the future, I believe that taking English Literature would allow me to take on my future job of working within films. I find that with being able to see and know what the author is trying to portray towards the readers, will help to make a more dramatic and knowing sense within the film. With not knowing why the author has made the characters or setting or any other aspect in the book like that, it brings to any attention that if it was to come into the world of films, it would not be as enjoyable and pleasing for not only the readers that have enjoyed reading the book, but also of the audience watching the book as a film.
For me, going to university will allow me to get to this job and to continue exploring and enjoying well known books.

Rebecca Berry

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that you're really interested in looking at the deeper levels of meaning within literature. In a good book, the more you read, the more you see. Texts are finely crafted by the writer and worked over and over to create the effects we appreciate as readers. I hope you'll see The Handmaid's Tale as a fine example of that. Keep reading!
