Wednesday 22 January 2014

First Impressions of Larkin

From reading several of Larkins poems today, i found that alot of his work has different moods and emotions between them but still have a link towards one or more other poems. Within some poems by Larkin we get the mood that its meant to be up beat and bouncy when read aloud with his placement of rhyming words. It gives the reader a positive feeling towards what he is trying to get across. One of his key themes I found was the continuous connection from poems to do with death and life. Alot of Larkins poems are based upon the feeling of dying and the world around with all that is occuring. He shows different views of people from some poems but others tell a journey of some description which states a memory or an event that provides the reader with how Larkin wants you to feel. To me I find there to be a lot of emotions by the words he has used and also with how each poem is written. Some poems that Larkin has wrote are short and simple and appear up beat to the reader, whilst some are continuous and have a more down beat to them with repetition of down beat words. Altogether I find that Larkins poems have a further story within each one as we analyse them further in class.

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