Thursday 13 February 2014

Case History - Dannie Abse

From within the first stanza the audience is able to find out what the first character is like within the poem. From this stanza we learn that the character known as He is not welsh nor Jewish but is however anti-liberal. From the phrase, "interior breed" we also see that this man is racist and fascist and we find out that he is Pro Nazi. From within the first stanza we see that he has unacceptable racism and gives the audience the memory of the holocaust and of World War 2.
Within the second stanza we begin to see the second character formally known as "I" and learn that he is a Jewish, welsh doctor. He is however a liberal and is open-minded, tolerant and balanced. From within the second stanza we see the use of medical jargon and specialist vocab from the words such as, "palpated" and "stethoscope". We also see within this stanza the names of Nazi generals that were historical figures within World War 2.
As we continue on through the stanzas we begin to see that within the doctors surgery are the use of drugs that can also be placed as poisons from the word, "dispensary". Throughout the third stanza we see a fantasy occur of which describes to the audience of how easy it would be to get rid of the other character. From the words, "my brother" we see the sudden change that humanity has had within the doctor. No matter how much the doctor loaves this man he has made an oath to treat any one that needs help, whomever it may be. This is portrayed as a simile for the doctor's interigite has finally ran out.
Within the final few lines of the poem we are informed of two different meanings of what Abse is portraying. One is that from the doctor loosing feeling within his hand it is that he is unable to write the perscription for a while. His body has given him the excuse he needed to avoid his responsibility as a doctor but this is a temporary measure for him.
The other meaning to these lines is that he is physically punishing himself or being punished for treating this man and has not stood up to him. He could of challenged this mans views but did not and avoided his responsibilities.

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