Tuesday 11 February 2014

For Sydney Bechet - Larkin

From within this poem we see a monosyliabic rhyme from the words "shakes" and "wakes" implying that it is simple towards the audience. In the second stanza we see a lot of positve thoughts occur that imply to the readers of freedom and exubrance coming back with the sentence, "Of balconies, flower-baskets and quadrilles, Everyone making love and going shares". From this we also see dancing coming into it and is informed to us readers that within this time that a quadrilles was a dance that rich white people would perform. Within this life, everyone is rich.
Within the third and forth stanza we see that everyone loves the music that is coming from this jazz player and all get eager and excited when listening to his music. From the words "Storyvilles" and "Sporting-house girls" we are informed of the red light district within New Orleans and stating the fact of prostitutes. From the similie, "like circus tigers" we see that the wildness is contained and that these women and restricted and limited all due to the fact that they are prostitutes. As we move on into the forth stanza we clearly see that these women are prized above the rubies and jewels due to the excitement that is occuring within the room. We are also informed of the people within the band and wannabees that are of little interest throughout this stanza, the description is mainly stated of the prostitutes.
From within the final stanzas the audience then sees that from listening to Sydney Bechets music that he is in love with his work but also the fact that the persona is recieving some orgasmic pleasure from listening to this music. This is stated within the line, "On me your voice falls as they say love should". This is his enjoyment and it is all positive for the persona and is as though the music communicates with him like a language that has no words. As we finish the final stanza we see that there is a positive vibe towards the poem and that the rhyme scheme is representing the flow of music through the enjambment.
From this poem of Larkins we are easily able to see that this links into the poems of Love Songs in Age and Broadcast due to the fact that they are music poems but there is also the sense of love being portrayed within this also which links to several other poems created by Larkin.

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