Sunday 27 April 2014

A Heritage - Dannie Abse

From looking at this poem we are able to see that their is a great deal of reference to death and loss. From the use of the words "fossils", "funerals" and "skelertons" we are able to imagine a negative and unnatural setting from Abse' description. From reading the first few stanza i got the impression that Abse was portraying a negative way of a funeral with "The bawling pit-hooter" and "this black-robed god". From these it appears as though he is talking of the man that has dug the grave and the reverend waiting for the service. He is portrayed as being the "god" within the grounds and therefore rules all the lost dead souls that are within the grounds. We also question whether this is a historical poem with how Abse talks of horses and human skulls within the ground refering us to a battle that has occured. This would link into the poem MCMXIV with the use of the war and the memory of it.
As we continue through this poem we see the use of scenery of the mountain that gives us the impression of being alone or lost from the remains of others. Abse uses the words "Above, on the brutalised, unstitched side of a Welsh mountain" we see that pain has been conflicted and has not been hidden from other peoples eyes. We could also refer to there being a battle upon the mountain and the bodies have been left there in their memory.
As we move through the poem we also see that Abse is talking about fire and coal-mines within the final stanzas. From these we see that Abse could be telling the audience that instead of a battle occuring here, it could of been an accident that occured within a mine resulting in many lives lost. This poem is portrayed as being very  negative due to the final two stanzas with which we learn that an accident had taken place and they are now taken up to heaven with the use of the line, "the re-entry of the exiled god into his shadowless kingdom". This line refers to the audience as perhaps death being personified as a person and has come within this dark time when this accident has occured, taking many lives to his own kingdom which is heaven or hell.
We also see the reference to death with "blood-stained black roses" and therefore see that darkness has captured the lives of people and they are unable to escape whilst these two people, (could be two death gods) watch over in fasination. They is also the reference that they are not human due to how he drinks acid and with them watching over this wasteland.

I really struggled with this poem and do not think my ideas of what Abse is saying is right. Please help!

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