Wednesday 16 April 2014

Quests - Dannie Abse

From this poem we can see that Abse is stating to the audience the reference to religion and beliefs. From within the first part of this short poem we see the notion of wild life and nature growing with the use of the words "umbels" and "flower". We see that the person is implying a way of which to be able to get to "the other world" which could be the reference to heaven. From this we then can see that some would take drastics with poisen that is from this nature that appears postive and delicate towards the audience.
As we move onto the second short stanza we see the notion of people doing various different things to make it to the other world. From the use of the word "messiah" we see that the persona is informing us of people asking for their promised deliverer to be sent to them which gives us the reference to Jewish beliefs. We also see that perhaps people were foolish towards Gods help with the use of the line, But God had human faces and were flawed". From this we get the impression that God had love towards human beings but when being placed upon this earth his weakness towards them led to negative events or situations.
As we move on to stanza three we then see that there is the reference to Greek Gods as well with the names of "Apion" and "Homer". This could also suggests another religion or beliefs that either the persona or another group of people that Abse is talking about within the poem.
As we move on to stanza four we see that reality is brought back in and the persona is refering to another part of Greek mythology with a known lustful drinking God riding on the back of a sea-horse. From looking at this stanza we not only get the notion that he is talking about beliefs but also how silent it is within the museum. As we contine through the fifth stanza we see that their is also this longing silence as we change from Cardiff to Ogmore which is placed as being powerful and controlling for it is able to be heard over the roaring waves of the sea. There is also the reference to an early sea god named Proteus and with how he will not be heard to sulk. There is also the use of imagery to portray a calm night time sky.
Within the final stanza we then see that the persona's own beliefs begin to come into it with how he is unaware of the answer. "Secular" might refer to the meaning of Secularism which is the rejecting of religion. We see that Abse might be implying that he is not able to hear all this music due to not believing in there religions. He has his own beliefs and remains to keep to that and doe not wish to expand. There is also the reference that he does not want to be stuck within the same place, he wants to be adventurous and explore suggesting the meaning of the title to be "Quests".
Poems that would link to this would be Days, Nothing to be Said and Water by Larkin all due to how they express their own view on faith and belief.

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