Friday 25 April 2014

Cousin Sydney - Dannie Abse

From looking at the first stanza of Cousin Sydney we see that Sydney appeared more like an adult than a child. We see this due to the quote, "size 12 shoes - at fifteen the tallest boy in his class" and could also show you that this gave him the notion of wanting to grow up a lot quicker than the others in his class. This can also be supported with how the persona's mother says, "Dull as a bat" and also suggest to us that although he wanted to be grown up he was very child-like with being destructive and wasnt the brightest at his age.
As we move onto the second stanza we see that the persona's father also has a negative view upon cousin Sydney with repeting what his mother said. From within this stanza we begin to see the story unfold as we learn that Sydney lied about his age to go to war and therefore we see that he wanted to explore the world and have an adventure and believed the army was the way to get it. We see this due to the line, "hero Sydney lied about his age, to claim rough khaki, silly ass". From this we also see that the family had a great affect on his going to war and disapproved of it with calling him a "silly ass". He is still being childlike and not seeing the mistake he has made and is shown with how the clothing of the uniform is represented to the audience.
As we continue through the stanza and into the next we see that cousin Sydney has died within battle. Throughout the remains of stanza we see that the family do not believe it and they have the use of religion in hope of being reunited with him. We see that Sydney's father takes it badly with hope that his son will return with "never bolted the front door" and continues through this stanza portraying this mans only hope and dream of his son returning.
We then see in stanza four that the recalling of the swing has an appearance of foreshadowing cousin Sydney's death. Before when he was alive we see that the swing was usable and an enjoyment but now it is broken and no longer used. This portrays Sydneys death for it has been left there in his memory and shows us that he is no longer with us. We also get the similie of the persona's aunt crying like a raw onion and we also see the reference of history as his uncle shouts, "Bloody Germans". From this we learn that his son had died in the second World War and his anger was placed upon the Germans due to how they had taken his son so easily from him. We also see the reference of history with rememberance day and therefore see that the family suffered with his loss for thirty years.
As we move onto the final stanza we learn that the aunt and uncle of the persona went missing. This could mean that they left their home for they finally believed their son is dead. They have finally believed that he is no longer with them and could suggest that they feel there is no need for them to stay their waiting for them. The reference of them disappearing could also suggest that they have died too and are now finally with their long lost son that they have been waiting for. We also see that another person has moved into the house and therefore the memory of cousin Sydney is no longer their. He is only a memory within the army and the family that remain there but to the people within the house now, have no idea of him and is shown with the quote, "strangers have bolted their door and cut the string and no-one at all (the dark so hall)"
Poems made by Larkin that would link well to this poem would be MCMXIV, Faith Healing and Love Songs in Age. These poems would link to Abse due to how they relate to loss, memory, history and religion.
Poems that link from Abse would be The Death of Aunt Alice, Musical Moments 2 and Two Photographs.

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