Thursday 6 March 2014

An Arundel Tomb - Larkin

From the first stanza in this poem the audience is able to pick up the description that Larkin has provided to us. Some of the key words that are within this stanza are "blurred", "vaguely" and "stiffened" which all enable us to create the image. From the word "blurred" we get the impression of erosion taking place and a memory to have occured there but also the sense that it is natural and now apart of the furniture. From the word "stiffened" we are able to imply that this has the theme of knights and the status of nobility being mentioned within this poem. Finally from the word "vaguely" we also see the theme of erosion take place once more and the fact that during the years the sharpness of this statue has aged, causing the stone to wither.
From within the second stanza there is one particular line which stands out compared to the others. From the line, "a sharp tender shock" we see that there is the use of alliteration but also an oxymoron occuring in the piece. This provides the reader a surprising or alarming thought to come across them for this shows us the emotional or empathetic side of Larkin to be shown. We are able to see that Larkin is able to feel emotion but cannot express it and this is one poem that can show this easily as well as other poems like The Whitsun Weddings and Faith Healer.
The third stanza provides us with a great deal of analysis about the tomb itself. From the first line we can see that the couple had no conception that after many centuries their tomb would still be visited by many people. From the next few lines we then see more alliteration which implies to us that anyone is able to go and see this tomb but within the time of this tomb being created we see that it was a private tomb for close family and friends to visit.
Finally within the last lines of the third stanza we see from the line "A sculpture's sweet commissioned grace" that this was a happy accident or whim. This shows to us readers that in that time it had little significance but for us it has far more meaning and depth into it. We then finally see that the family had Latin writing around the tomb to show off to their servants and other people of their power and influence.
From the rest of the poem we see that various links to it being a long time ago due to words that associate servants and workers and the coat of arms each house had within that era. The only question we have towards this poem is that we are unaware if the couple had any love for each other. From the sculpture we instantly think they loved each other greatly but will never be known and is left with the fact at the end of the poem stating that, "What will survive of us is love".

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