Monday 10 March 2014

Toads Revisited - Larkin

Before Larkin wrote Toads Revisited he wrote a poem named Toads in which he described the life of working with metaphors related to toads. From this we got a very negative impression with various words such as "soil", "sickening poison" and "toad-like". From these words we see that Larkin is informing us readers that work is suffercating and causes us great sadness and pain. He then goes into this state where he fantisises and ends the poem with stating to the audience that he is no better then the people that are toad-like. He is also like this and we see brutal self critisism being shown by Larkin therefore stating to us that he is unimaginative, uncreative and unadventuous.
When he goes into his new poem of Toads Revisited we see that Larkin is still watching as he does in many poems such as The Whitsun Weddings.
Throughout the first seven stanzas we see that Larkin is showing the negative side to all the people that do not work. From the words "vague" and "Waxed-fleshed" we see that he pictures these non working people to be dumb and not alive. They are not clear, not focused and are not self aware.
From the phrase, "By being stupid or weak" we see that Larkin is portraying that if you do not work you are stupid and you are weak and he is not like them for he does work. Larkin does not wish to end up like them and choses to work so he is not classed as being that.
As we move on to the eigth stanza we see that this is Larkin's acceptance for work has enabled him to have a routine and he is addicted to work. He will not become one of them due to the fact that he is addicted to his work so will never be shown as stupid or weak. This is shown from the words "No" and "my" which suggests to us that he is addicted and also with the pro noun of "my" we see that work is desirable to him and its his own personal piece.
From the final stanza we see that personification is used with the phrase, "old toad" and from the final line we see that work helps Larkin through his life all the way until death. The phrase "old toad" is given off as being friendly and affectionate which allows the audience to see a good relationship between him and work.
Throughout this poem we have been able to see that work has enabled Larkin to remain young and focused but idealy has enabled him to have a purpose and an identity. This is a positive poem compared to many others he has done but concludes with the thought that this poem is really an answer to the poem Days.
This poem shows us that work is there to give Larkin a reason and a meaning to life and is therefore positive towards the audience.

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