Tuesday 18 March 2014

Red Balloon - Dannie Abse

From within this poem we get the impression of Abse talking in a more negative way unlike many of his usual poems. From this we see the link between Larkin with having the persona talk negatively and links into his poem of Ambulances. The link between these two poems is that they both have the notion of when something bad is occuring it makes the audience clearly feel sad and just how much society can cause us to feel this way. There is also the similarity of the notion of blood from these poems, from Larkin merely stating the name ambulances gives us the impression of something unpleasant and in pain whilst with Abse he not only repeats this word but is shown to us with the colour red within the title.
Also from this poem we see that Abse is showing the struggle Jews had within their life and how they were mocked and hurt no matter what there age. We see the struggle that Abse had and shows the strength and freedom this balloon gives to the boy with how it refuses to pop. From this we see that no matter what people say or feel about the Jews, they will always be there and cannot be taken away. They have there own life to live like anyone else, no matter what their religion or beliefs. From this we get the link to Larkin with another poem due to the notion of being different or out of place compared to other people. The poem I find that shows this would be Talking in Bed due to how the couple appear within the book. Generally we would think of a couple that would be in love and happy with eachother but this couple is different to others. Larkin portrays this notion of them not saying anything to not upset the other and so sit in silence, they keep quiet to not upset their partner and are classed out of the word with how isolation is brought into this. Larkins poem links to Red Balloon with how the persona appears to be placed as different due to being a Jew and also the thought of this red balloon being the only one around. It is bright, and eye catching making it different to everyone that sees it. From within this poem we therefore see the key themes are religion and isolation.

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