Thursday 6 March 2014

The Large Cool Store and Take One Home For The Kiddies - Larkin

From within this poem we see that Larkin is being very negative towards the working class with various words and phrases we uses throughout his writing. From various words such as "heaps", "cheap clothes" and "Machine-embroided" we get the impression of Larkin to be stating these clothes that are within the store to be made robotically and unnatural. He is also suggesting to us of how the clothes are not placed in neat piles but in heaps making us get the negative appearance of these clothes not being well cared for even if they are cheap. He then continues to be rude towards the working class people with stating that they keep in "clusters" and are not within his society and are placed in "that world". Larkin has excluded them from his class and clearly states that he does not want to be with the groups of the working class. We however begin to see the more common sympathetic side of Larkin as we get to the final stanza.
From the phrase, "our young unreal wishes" we get the impression of these working class people wanting a life like Larkins but are never able to get it. We are then gettting the similar connection that we are use to once more with Larkin and the thought of empathy being brought back into the poem once again. From the line How seperate and unearthly love is" we see more empathy and the notion that the working class buy these items and shows us that their love is different. They are never able to get their desires of true love and romance due to the fact they are working class but in general we are all the same when it comes to love. This is also able to link into various poems on love such as Talking in Bed, Love Songs in Age and An Arundel Tomb.

From the very short and simple poem known as Take One Home For The Kiddies we see that this poem is about the life of pets. Throughout this poem we can see how quickly it is when having the pet and how quickly time goes by when you see the pet die. We also get the thought that the parents are either doing this to stop their children from nagging them with buying the pet or they are doing this to show that nothing lasts forever and a pet is a good example of this. From the ending lines in each stanza of which the children talk we see that really this is all a game to them and are eager when the next one starts. From the first line of, "Mam, get us one of them to keep" we are implied of how fun it is to look and care for a pet and the enjoyment it is to have one. From the second line of, "Mam, we're playing funerals now" we see that they are not aware of what has occured and find all of life to be a game. Time has passed and the animal has now died but the children find it all a game for they do not understand society for they are just children.

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