Sunday 23 March 2014

Musical Moments 2 - Dannie Abse

Musical Moments 2 (Outside a Graveyard)

From within this piece we see that death is a key theme throughout this poem. We see that time has gone  by and the thought of relief that was from the first part of Musical Moments is now gone and only lonliness and sadness remains.
From within the first poem we see the relief of having this final lesson with this teacher and shows to us as though he had little care for her or what he was doing. But when we come into the second part of this poem we see that he is mournful and respectful of her due to various lines such as, "Sorry, Miss Crouch, now that you are dismissed forever" and "so unassuming and gentle". As we continue through this poem we see the notion of memories occur due to the second stanza and then the final one brings a more joyful ending to the audience.
We see a link to Larkin with not only the notion of a memory occuring but also of Abse observing like how Larkin does within his own poems. The stanza portrays this sense of romance between Miss Crouch and music and therefore shows us the link between various pieces such as Broadcast and Love Songs in Age. These two poems link to Abse due to how they are show a strong bond the persona is feeling all by listening to music.
We then get this final stanza which portrays a positive note with how the persona can see Miss Crouch performing within a concert hall instead of sitting and listening or teaching unwilling students. We get a grim background portrayed with the use of the gargoyles and various other parts of the church but are provided with this positive image as we look up towards the sky and see this image of Miss Crouch leaving earth. From this we get a difference between the two poets from the notion of death. From both we see that when someone dies we are all sad and in mourning for their loss but the difference between them is that Larkin states that when you die that is it. Time is up for you and you can do nothing now that you are dead. Larkin is basically portraying the sense that there is nothing after you die. Abse on the other hand portrays this imagery which states to us we have our own vision of what heaven looks like due to his description of Miss Crouch. Abse is once again placed as being the positive poet due to his beliefs of their being a heaven portayed in this poem. From seeing this poem we see that their are similarities and differences to the poems and by the poets too.

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