Wednesday 5 March 2014

Short Poems 2; Nothing To Be Said and Water - Larkin

From Nothing To Be Said we see that from within the title Larkin is stating that due to the fact we cannot change what will happen to us, there is nothing that we can say to make it better. As we continue in to the stanza we see that there is unpleasant and cold images being placed into the poem with the words, "stone" and "vague as weeds". Throughout this stanza we are provided with a grotesque setting that shows a cold and cruel landscape which is where people keep close to their families and their lives. From the final line in this stanza, "Life is slowly dying" we see that repitition is used to make it appear more realistic to the reader that death cannot be changed.
As we move onto the middle stanza we then see that from the word "building" we get a positive and negative aspect shown from Larkin. The positive being that we are able to adapt and change and grow in our surroundings to make things easier or better for our own lives. The negative side to this is that no matter where you live to keep you safe, the only thing that can harm you is death or the notion of constantly thinking of protecting yourself from death.
Throughout the rest of the stanza we see that memories and dreams are being brought in with the final three lines in this stanza.
As we move to the final stanza we then see two different thoughts occuring within the final three lines. From the lines, "And saying so to some Means nothing; others it leaves Nothing to be said" we are able to get two different perspectives. The thoughts would be that some people do not think about death and continue to live their lives, whilst others are too scared to think about death and try to not think about it. Overall what ever we do in life, we will all die in the end.

The next short poem of Larkin's known as Water holds a very religious side to it. From the words "church" and "different clothing" the audience is able to see the effort and love people have for religion and how they respect due to the fact they have certain clothes to just go to church. We also get the image of water due to the words "fording", "sousing" and "drench". This gives us a further impression of the poem becoming more intense. Also the word "sousing" implies of being drunken which suggests to us that people are easily able to become greedy of life's natural items that we have, like water. From the final stanza we are able to make the notion of new beginnings due to the line, "raise in the east". From the final two lines we see that there is a hopeful image portrayed to us with "any-angled light" to show that anyone, even the readers, could be awaken. Finally there is the word "congregate" informing us of everyone coming together all to go to church for.

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