Thursday 6 March 2014

Send No Money - Larkin

From within the first stanza of this image we are able to see that the persona is in the mind of a child and is personifying time. From the words, "Impendent belly" we see that it is hanging and appears unpleasant to the audience. We then see the persona wanting to know what is his life to be like in the future due to the phrase, "Tell me the truth". As we continue through the stanza we then see that from various phrases such as, "itching to have a bash" and "wanting", we see that Larkin is the only one wanting to sit and watch all what is to happen in the future, whilst other children of his age are just going around living their lives and not caring on what is to come. This is Larkins desire.
Throughout the whole of the second stanza the audience sees how Larkin waits excitedly to be told of the future and we see him begin to think and observe. This clearly portrays to us that Larkin is suggesting to us readers that we will get the answers more easily if we just sit and watch. From this stanza we are able to make the links of him being an observer to The Whitsun Weddings, Dockery and Son, Ambulances, Self's the Man and Mr Bleaney, for in each of these poems we see that Larkin or the persona are observing or some elements of observing are taken place.
From within the last stanza we see the sudden reality that Larkin has watched over people's lives and come to realise he is now forty with the first line. We are also provided with another personification, this time being of death with the words, "bestial visor". From the lines, "What does it prove? Sod all. In this way I spent youth" we see various different thoughts placed within these lines. From the question that Larkin has been asked we see that he begins to doubt whether he should of sat and watched all those people's lives go by, or should he of got involved and lived his life. From the words, "Sod all" we see that really Larkin is no better off either way and from the final piece of these lines we see that he is unsure and holds a negative impact towards the audience. This poem is however about something that Larkin brought and felt it was a waste of his time and money. Due to this poem we see that this poem is therefore not against youth but the theme of jealousy brought in due to the fact that they have lost it. Poems that also link into the thought of regret and lost- youth would be Dockery and Son, Home Is So Sad, Wild Oats, Love Songs in Age and many others that portray this sense.

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